Monday, October 19, 2009

Senin @ UKSW - batik day 19 Okt

On Monday, staff wear the UKSW shirt, a nice batik effort with the UKSW logo in the middle. Maybe we could get the designers to help Qantas out. And if ANU is thinking of a staff shirt, then please use this as a model. Here are Dyah and Tri, the administrative staff who have been incredibly helpful, particularly with matters related to computers and printing. Dyah, on the left, is also sorting out the travel for my weekend trip to Yogakarta.

Unfortunately, Leonie, it's not possible to buy these shirts. At the start of the year, orders are put in for new staff. According to Pak Hendro, this is the second design they've had. Will see if Pak Agna has any influence - I'll swap him an ANU tie for a UKSW shirt! (Comment added 20/10/09)

And here they are in their regular togs.

Today's Kebaktian Senin was, on the singing front, a little disappointing. One woman, five men. Not much harmonising, though the first hymn and its chorus put me in mind of White Shoes and the Couples Company. As with last week, the sermon seemed to make a literal connection with the reading from the Bible and with the faculty hosting the service. A lot of talk today, then, about information sytems. Service hosted by Biro Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi and Campus Ministry. My bahasa is reasonable for smalltalk but not sophisticated enough to hear a biblical reading and then attend to the sermon, particularly one informed by the discourse of informatino systems. Imagine ANU's Division of Information facilitating a sermon.

Not much else on today. Took time out to get my buku harian up to date and to prepare for three lessons. And upload photos.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Can you purchase one of the uni shirtsfor yourself?
    L. XX
